Valentine's Day

Thank you for viewing our range of bouquets for this Valentine's day. We are a florist shop located in the centre of Clonmel town, we are not a relay service, so no hidden fees

You can choose from a selection of fresh flowers bouquets, each one handmade daily in our shop by our team of experienced florist's.

Orchid Arrangement

Orchid Arrangement

This is truly an elegant gift, made in store by our talented florists ..


Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

Freshly made handtied mixed bouquet including 3 red roses...


Lucky Dip

Lucky Dip

A mixed gift wrapped bouquet of florist selected fresh flowers...


My Everlasting Love

My Everlasting Love

Freshly made handtied bouquet of 12 premium large headed, long stemmed, lightly fragranced red roses..


Not So Secret Admirer!

Not So Secret Admirer!

A very elegant mixed handtied bouquet with 3 red roses...


True Love

True Love

A mixed handtied bouquet with a single red rose in the centre. ..


Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)